Inspiration for Thursday: Luke 16:10

Luke 16:10


In this passage of scripture Jesus encourages us to be faithful to Him in the little things.  If we cannot be faithful in the little things that we are being given, how can we be faithful when it comes to the big things?  To me this is being faithful in where God has called me to be right now.  In my job, in my relationships, in my mundane day to day tasks, in all of it.  How can I let God know that I am ready for more without being faithful in what I am doing right now?  To me that means, keeping a joyful attitude when I go about it all, thanking Him for all the blessings (no matter how small).  It means keeping myself in check when it comes to dealing with difficult customers who it is very difficult to be nice to.  This verse does not just address being trusted with things but it also addresses our sins.  We may not think something is bad (talking about someone or telling a white lie) but if we are dishonest in what we consider to be “little” things, how easy our hearts can turn those little things into very big things.

When it boils down to it, all the “little” things in our lives are really “big” things in the entire picture.  I want to strive to serve Him in the things that I see as little mundane tasks, so I can be entrusted with the bigger things.

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