
Yay for Fridays

Today is Friday!  Although, yesterday felt like Friday, so I guess it doesn’t really matter!  We are still enjoying Tennessee, Josiah flew in to get his wisdom teeth out, so I guess I am probably enjoying it just a little bit more than he is!

Franklin Theatre

1- Franklin.  There is something special about your home town.  I love coming back and exploring.

Me and Dad

Dinner with Dad & Cathleen- We went to Urban Grub in Nashville.  I had not been there since it opened and had some fabulous mac & cheese.  I didn’t branch out far but it was delicious.

Nashville Sign

#ibelieveinnashville- This sign is all over instagram and last time I was here I didn’t get a photo in front of it.  So I made Dad & Cathleen pull over so we could get a photo.  Dad wasn’t as keen but Cathleen was!

Dinner with Kids

Mexican with these kids- I have watched them all grow up and I love getting to go to my favorite Mexican place and spend time with all of them!

Josiah and cat

5- Wisdom Teeth- This guy got his wisdom teeth out yesterday.  The pain is kicking in more and I am praying he keeps doing well!  Speaking from experience teeth pain is not fun!


linking up to:
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Tennessee so Far

I love taking trips to Tennessee in the summer but it is never a vacation. I try to jam pack as much into a week as I possibly can. When I get back to Texas I am utterly exhausted!  I work in the office during the week so I only have nights and weekends as well.  Lots to fit in!


Of course this weekend was spent at the pool.  I am so thankful that there was beautiful weather!


The American Girl Doll store is now opened up and my sister and I took a trip.  (Pardon the selfies).  The dolls are even cooler than when we had them :)


 I went out to lunch with my Mom and my sister.


 Sunday we had brunch at a local Pancake place where you have the griddle on your table and make your own.


Monday night I stopped by a house of a family I used to babysit.  This little one is now 9 (!!) and I watched her when she was a newborn.  I loved catching up with them!


Here sister is now 13 (!!) and I watched her starting when she was 2.  It is crazy how they all grow up!

I am still enjoying Tennessee and lots more to do and see!




Thankful Thursdays [7.31.14]

Thankful Thursdays

Happy Thursday!  Today I am blogging from my mom’s house in Tennessee.  I am thankful that I have a wonderful family and am able to visit and spend time with them.  I am also thankful I have a job where I normally work out of the house in Texas but when I come back to Tennessee then I just switch and go into the office.  :)


Patriotic Table Runner

Patriotic Table Runner


I love having a table runner on my table and I love changing it out depending upon the season.  I have been behind for on finishing this (I missed Memorial Day, oops!) but I was able to put it together this week and I really like how it turned out!  I added the white ruffle not only to give it a little bit extra, but because it would have been way to short without it! I used left over red fabric I had and didn’t want to go buy anymore :)  I added the blue (can’t really tell that in the picture) stars stamped on with paint to give it some blue and more of a Patriotic feel.


potato 1 labeled


Best way to make easy stamps?  Potatoes of course! Thankfully I didn’t have to just guess and cut out a star but had a cookie cutter in the perfect star shape that cut through the potato easily.

stamps first labeled.jpg


At first I was just going to stamp them and let them be how they were, but for OCD me that was a little too rough.  So once I had the stars down I took my paint brush and individually painted them in.  I think they look much better that way!

close up finish labeled

Much better!  I love how the table cloth turned out.  I was thinking of writing across the whole thing (long ways), Land of the Free or something similar but I just can’t decide.  What do y’all think?