Let’s All Be Brave by Annie Downs [Book Review]

(I have had this book for quite a while to review and it has taken me longer than it should but lots has been going on!)

I was really excited about this book by Annie Downs just because of all I had heard about it.  I had heard her speak, read her blog and I just could not wait to read this book!  Annie’s writing style makes you feel at ease.  It is like she is writing letters to all of her personal friends.  It is really easy to relate to and makes you feel like you are just sitting down to coffee with someone and I absolutely love that.

There isn’t anything said that we really don’t already know in regards to how God uses us and pushes us out of our comfort zones but she says it in new ways.  She says the things we need to hear.  Learning to be brave is learning to be brave where we are.  We can be just as brave in our jobs at home as someone in the mission field, it just takes trusting God.

One of my favorite quotes was in the beginning of the book: “If we want to see God glorified all over the world, we need to be brave enough to see courage in all its different forms.”  Sometimes I think because I am not called to the mission field I am not as ‘Christian’ as someone who is but Annie shows us it isn’t that at all.

This book is perfect for all women, from teens, to singles, to married and older.  I think all life stages can benefit from reading her book.  Annie draws on her life experiences, that are similar in different ways to things we have all experienced and can relate to.  It is small steps that help bring us to living a brave life but it all starts with just being open and saying yes to it.  As Annie says, God made us with a purpose, God made us to be brave and He will equip us to do so.

I hope I can take her advice and be brave!  Even though I currently don’t know exactly what that is yet.


I am a member of Book Look and received this book free for my honest review.

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