Why you should adopt a senior dog

So I am very outspoken that I think people should rescue dogs.  There are so many rescue websites (petfinder and adopt-a-pet are just two of them) and so many smaller rescue websites that show pets that are at shelters and humane societies all around the country.  There are so many wonderful animals at shelters that may not get a chance to have a home.  Sadly, many of these animals were abandoned by no fault of their own.  Their owners decided they don’t want them anymore, or maybe their owner died or got a divorce, or is allergic.  There are so many reasons and most of them have nothing to do with the dog being mean.

Okay, but back to my main point.  There are many older dogs on these websites (and by older I mean 5+) that people tend to gloss over.  Most people are wanting puppies or younger dogs.  Well, if that was the case and I had followed through on that I would never have adopted Pancake.  Now, if you have read my blog for any amount of time you can see how attached I am to Pancake (and how adorable she is!).  I adopted Pancake 4 and a half years ago and she is still my little shadow.  Yes, she is older but she still just wants to be right by her Mama at all times.

I rescued Pancake from a puppy mill situation.  They knew she was older but besides her being between 5 and 8, they had no idea.  The vet said she was probably more along the 8 year old range based on her eyes and her teeth.  Poor Pancake was mistreated horribly and the vet also said if I had not rescued her and got her in for surgery she wouldn’t have made it another month due to the cancer she had inside her.  She was definitely a sad case!

But… she is definitely a trooper!  By adopting an older dog (1) I didn’t have to deal with her chewing up my shoes or papers (I mean, she barely has any teeth but still :), (2) she was basically potty trained and she knows to go to the door, (3) I knew how she would be when I met her.  She wasn’t a puppy that was going to change once she got older.  She was already older and just a happy dog (despite her circumstances!), (4) she doesn’t require constant attention like a puppy does.  She does like to be where I am but I am not constantly having to throw balls or grab ropes (in all honestly, she doesn’t really play with toys.  She has never figured out what they were really there for :), (5) They can be complete couch potatoes!  As I type this Pancake is just lying in her bed beside me.  They are so easy going and just happy to be where you are but not need your constant attention.  (6) They are thankful.  This may sound ridiculous but Pancake knows I rescued her.  My family rescued a Chow when I was younger and he was 4-5 and he knew we saved him.  It is like they just can tell.  (7) You can still get purebreds and “designer” dogs.  Actually, by adopting an older pet you know what they are going to look like.  (8) Senior pets are great for senior citizens!  Their energy levels are less and they are excellent companions!

I really couldn’t imagine not having ever adopted Pancake.  I know one day she won’t be here with me but that is the same with every thing that lives.  She is a little trooper and is so happy and joyful that she just makes me happy.  After all she went through in her little life she still has so much love to give!

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  1. Melanie Somnitz says:

    Both of our pups were adopted but before the age of 1. The cool thing about Bixby, our Newfoundland mix, was that he was adopted out of the Ohio Prison Dog program. He is the most amazing dog but it is strange to think he spent his first 7 months behind bars.

  2. Sustain, Create and Flow says:

    I totally agree! I adopted my dog when she was 6-8 years old! Best dog in the Universe :)