Easy [& Cheap] Personalized Cards

I have a slight obsession with notecards.  I love writing [& receiving!} notes.  I found some notes in the Target dollar spot that were just plain pink with a little bit of glitter on them.  Now you could do a lot more than I did but I was going for ‘fast & simple.’

All I  did was take a sharpie and write ‘Choose Joy’ on the front of them.  Joy is my focus word for the year and I love using it.

 I added my initials and some designs to a few of them just to see how it looked.

Then I couldn’t leave the envelopes undecorated so I grabbed some colored markers and got to work.  Easy, $1 project that is functional :)

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  1. Passed by your post and decided to share it on my blog so my followers can see it too. I used the same title, “Easy [& Cheap] Personalized Cards | Ladybug Blessings”