The Simple Things

So I have been super busy recently and have been having some writers block but I am sitting here @ Panera with my laptop and got to thinking about the simple things that I love that are free or really cheap but make me oh so happy.

So my oh so happy items (in no particular order)….

1. Sitting on my deck at sunset when the weather is just right! Not too hot or too cold.
2. The giggle of children. oh my goodness their laughs make me so happy.
3. A vanilla Coke from Sonic. Amazing how that can brighten up my entire day.
4. The feel of clean sheets when I get into bed.
5. Jumping into the pool on a hot, hot day.
6. Taking time to just relax, see things in new ways.
7. Driving with the windows down & music blaring.
8. When I come home and the dogs cannot wait for me to get into the house, barking & begging for my attention.
9. Right after it rains on a hot, hot day.
10. Exploring with a child and seeing something how they see it.
11. Mail. I love getting mail! (well, not bills!)
12. Sleeping in!

What about you? What are your simple pleasures?

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  1. 1. FINALLY getting to pee when you’ve had to hold it
    2. brushing my teeth
    3. going for a run (mostly the end of the run)
    4. a hug from someone i actually WANT a hug from (i’m not a terribly huggy person)
    5. yes, mail. and real emails.
    6. raw, open, honest blogs
    7. hot chocolate
    8. ice cream and cookies

  2. 1. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours before your alarm goes off
    2. Road trips
    3. I definitely agree with the feel of clean sheets.
    4. And Vanilla Cokes from Sonic (there must be something in there because I can go from having a bad to good day instantly after having one)
    5. Grocery shopping–it’s very therapeutic
    6. Good books you can’t put down
    7. Naps in the middle of the afternoon
    8. Chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven
    9. Puppy kisses
    10. A hot bubble bath

  3. 1- Getting to sleep in!
    2- Non-School Days
    3- Letters in the mail…not bills!

    I have an award for ya – come check it out


    1. Hearing my pastor stand up on Sunday and share about the very thing that’s been on my heart all week.

    2. Eating out with friends after church on Sunday’s

    3. Catching an old cartoon or rerun of childhood favorite on TV.

    4. Fitting clothes at NORMAL stores now – shopping for cute clothes.

    5. Going to bed after a nighttime shower or bath

  5. Hello. I am your newest bloggy friend from the blog hop. I hope you are having a wonderful and blessed day. I hope you can follow me back at and be sure to check out all my giveaways.
    God Bless,

  6. I didn’t know Sonic had cake… hmmm
    Things that make me happy?
    1. Editing photos
    2. Cooking an awesome dish
    3. Listening to my little girl play
    4. Seeing someone succeed at something they really like
    5. Fall fun & decorating
    6. Just hanging with my hubby!

    I am your newest follower from the blog hops. Come on over to GOODEness Gracious sometime :)

  7. Hi there! I found you on a blog hop and can’t wait to read more! I’m your newest follower!


  8. I love your list! One of my simple pleasures of today was finding Sophie Kinsella’s new book at the library! Woohoo! Hope all is well with you. :)

  9. I LOVE GETTING GOOD MAIL TOO! I get so excited when it doesn’t have to be returned with a check enclosed, LOL!

    Have a blessed Sunday sweetie!


  10. Sitting on your deck at sunset…That sounds like pure bliss!

  11. Hello, found you through blog hopping. Wanted to stop by and say hi.

    I LOVE my kids laughs too. :)

    Feel free to stop by either or both of my blogs and say hello and follow.

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    Have a blessed Monday!! :)