
The Butterfly Effect [Book Review]

The Butterfly Effect is an idea that a butterfly can flap it’s wings setting air in motion, that could eventually cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet. Over time the Butterfly Effect has been evolved to engage with the first movement of anything, including people.

The book begins describing the act of Colonel Chamberlain in the Union Army and how his act of charging the Confederate army at Gettysburg won the war for the Union. If the Union had never won the war then the US would be a MUCH different place. If the US was a much different place many other things throughout history that have happened would have vastly different outcomes.

Every move we make matters. While this book is short it is a book that everyone should own. It should serve as a reminder that no matter how small you are or how insignificant you feel what you do matters. What you do today, did yesterday, do tomorrow can change people’s lives and change history in ways you can never imagine.

This is an amazing book. I am planning on buying it for me and for others as gifts. You can buy it at Lifeway, Amazon and other book stores.

DISCLOSURE: I was provided a free download of this book from Thomas Nelson to review it. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are purely my own.