
2014 Goals

So I had mentioned that I was doing one word 365 but I still wanted to write down some goals that I wanted to accomplish in 2014.  Now, I don’t think I have failed for the year if I don’t accomplish these, nothing like that at all.  But I still think it is important to write down what you want to be working towards.  Now, you are supposed to make them measurable and I didn’t do that (bad me) but they are still things I want to work on.

  • Learn to play the piano.
  • Craft at least once a week
  • Post more consistantly
  • Spend time in the Word daily
  • Start Crossfit/Running again.  I know this is such a common one but I need to get those holiday pounds off!  Plus I wouldn’t mind being more toned
  • Read more books

In addition I have lots of to-dos I want to work on that aren’t something I need to focus on all year such as organize and declutter.  Do more with less.  I have lots of excess that I do not need.  It is going to be a consistent goal to work on getting rid of things that I don’t need.  All they do is weigh me down!  What are you working towards?


{one word} PRESENT

So I wrote about my one word last year and I chose JOY.  I had stumbled upon the website One Word 365 and loved the concept.  Thankfully it is growing even more and now more people are choosing words for the year.  Instead of focusing on New Year’s resolutions you are supposed to choose a word to focus on for the year.  Like last year my word kept popping back up in my head over and over.  I went through some I was thinking about (intention, purpose, etc.) and while those are really good words to focus on, I knew they were not my word.

Directly from the One Word 365 Site:

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway. 

Choose just one word.

One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.

It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but also you. It will become the compass that directs your decisions and guides your steps.

Discover the big impact one word can make.

They said it better than I could have!  Now, honestly I still have resolutions/goals in addition to my word (more on that in another post maybe :) but I still feel strongly focusing on a word can help you stay focused.  Focused could be your word!

Be Present

For 2014 I have chosen the word PRESENT. As in BE PRESENT.  Moment kept popping up at first, but moment didn’t seem like it flowed and my purpose of picking the word is to focus on each moment, to stay in the current present that I am in.  Instead of rushing to what is going to happen next or thinking about all my to-dos, I am going to stay in the Present Moment and cherish it.  What is your word?


October is Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month!

I know I have been vocal on my blog before regarding dog adoption and when I found out that October is National Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog month I knew a post was required.

I found Pancake on Petfinder.  She had been rescued a few days previously from a puppy mill in East Tennessee and I fell in love with her little face.  That was 2008 and she has been my shadow ever since.  I have mentioned on here that she is an older dog and was when I adopted her.  I still have absolutely no idea how old she is (they guessed between 5-8, closer to 8, but due to her neglect had no idea).

Take the pledge to not shop anywhere that sells puppy mill dogs here.  Pancake was very neglected and when I initially adopted her she had to have emergency surgery to get rid of all the tumors that were in her little body.  The vet told me they had never seen anything like it.  They also had to take a lot of her teeth out.

We have had one dog from the pet store and the rest are rescues.  It is amazing and sounds fake but I guarantee the shelter dogs know how wanted they are.  They repay you with so much love for rescuing them.  There are so many dogs in shelters, some that have been rescued from horrible situations and others whose families just didn’t want them.  There are lots of purebreds as well.

This to check out

Check out this How You Can Help? post on Petfinder for lots of good ideas of things to do from facebook to tweeting to signing up to being a foster parent.

Some success stories and information from the ASPCA



12 years later today is still etched in the minds of many.  Let us not forget all the innocent victims and the brave men and woman who lost their lives.  Please say a prayer for everyone and their families today.