Thankful Thursdays *New Party*

So I was thinking last night how we all have so much to be thankful for even when times are tough. I have a tendancy to focus on what is going wrong instead of what is going right. I think it is important to still focus on all we have in our lives that we are thankful for, especially in times when all seems lost. I have found that unless we take a conscious effort to do so, we can easily and quickly forget what it was we were thankful for.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: Be thankful in all circumstances; for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you.

It doesn’t say some circumstances, or only when things are going my way, or only when I feel like it. It says, all. All means all, no exceptions.

I am thankful for…
My family. Without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So even though they can bug the heck out of me sometimes, I still love them!

Pool weather. I absolutely love perfect pool weather. Not too hot (which is easy to come by here in Tennessee) and not too cold. Just perfect weather that you want to lie out in the raft in reading a book. Simple.

What are you thankful for?
Feel free to leave a comment or post your own Thankful Thursday on your blog. Also, please let me know if you thinking having a linky is the best way to do it or should I have another way where people write their responses etc.

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  1. Love this idea!! Also I have been meaning to ask how you get the scripture verses on the bottom of your blog. Have a wonderful day!

    • Hey! It is actually an option that I have when I have the linky. It randomly generates as long as I click the box :)

  2. Well it is great! Love the scriptures. Also prayers being sent up for your upcoming surgery.