Laundry Room Frames


So I have been working on my Laundry Room little by little.  The painting was finally done but it still needed some fun touches.  Like most people I love using printables.  They are absolutely adorable and say just what you  need them to say.  I was going to buy already finished frames and instead I purchased just plain wood frames to paint.  I first painted them a green.  It looked so much better in the bottle than it did once they were on the frames.  Oops!  Had to cover that one up with some black.  It worked out though because you can see some green through the black after I distressed it with a heavy grit sandpaper.  I love the contrast with the light blue and the printables are absolutely perfect!


Printables from Angie Sandy Designs & The 36th Avenue.


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  1. Oh my your laundry room is so pretty! I love the printables they bring a touch of joy to a space that I normally loathe! :D