
2 Girls & Their Pups

So if you have read my blog at all you can probably tell that I am attached to my pups (just a little!). Anyway, I have been trying to get my friend Brianne to blog for what seems like forever. Finally I got her to jump on the bandwagon (and learn how addicting it is!).

We have started up a blog called “2 Girls & Their Pups.” It will be about our lives, our {spoiled} pups, dog products we find and probably everything in between. Of course Ladybug Blessings will still be my blog but I am excited about having a blog with Brianne. She lives in Arizona and it is so sad that we are not closer. We met while in school and just clicked. So having a blog together is going to be lots of fun!!

As I mentioned, we just started it but I would love it if you would go check it out! Thanks and I hope you are having a great week!