
Thankful Thursdays [6.26.14]

Thankful Thursdays

So no pictures for today’s Thankful Thursday but today I am so thankful for wonderful people who are willing to help others out.  Long story short last Thursday I began having a horrible tooth ache.  Now, I am used to dental pain, it seems like I always have it, but this was something I had not experienced.  It felt like it could be sinus so I really had no idea.  Normally with tooth pain if I take some ibuprofen the pain will eventually subside.  Nothing helped this tooth.  So I started treating it as sinus- nothing!  Pain was constant etc. Come Saturday I couldn’t eat because the tooth would hit another tooth and it would hurt.  I received an emergency prescription that we drove 45 minutes to the nearest 24 hour pharmacy.  That pain medicine did not help!  Anyway. long story short after church on Sunday a dentist at the church actually pulled the tooth.  Praise the Lord!  Now I am still in pain from that and it hurts to chew but the pain is nothing like it was.  Basically she saved me from pulling it out with pliers.  This was a tooth in the very back of my mouth that I have been told I needed pulled before, then another dentist told me to save it etc.  Anyway, now it is gone.  So I made that story much longer than it needed to be but I am SO thankful for people willing to help others, especially on the weekend!!


Happy Birthday Brianne!!

Today is my best friend’s birthday. She lives in Arizona so I can’t celebrate with her but I can make sure to say Happy Birthday to her on my blog so everyone knows that it is her birthday. I would have LOVED to fly out to celebrate but there is that issue of money…. hmm. I did send her a pretty amazing present and would mention what it is on here but I don’t think she has received it yet and since she reads this that would completely spoil the surprise!

Brianne and I met while we were both studying at Belmont University. When you are a Marketing major at a small school you have limited options of when to take classes and end up taking most classes together with the same people. Brianne and I clicked instantly. It is just too sad we live across the country from each other! We take Girl’s Trips together every year.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRI!! I wish I could celebrate with you!!


2 Girls & Their Pups

So if you have read my blog at all you can probably tell that I am attached to my pups (just a little!). Anyway, I have been trying to get my friend Brianne to blog for what seems like forever. Finally I got her to jump on the bandwagon (and learn how addicting it is!).

We have started up a blog called “2 Girls & Their Pups.” It will be about our lives, our {spoiled} pups, dog products we find and probably everything in between. Of course Ladybug Blessings will still be my blog but I am excited about having a blog with Brianne. She lives in Arizona and it is so sad that we are not closer. We met while in school and just clicked. So having a blog together is going to be lots of fun!!

As I mentioned, we just started it but I would love it if you would go check it out! Thanks and I hope you are having a great week!