
Comparison Steals Joy


“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

is attributed to Teddy Roosevelt.  Whether he said it or someone else did, it is absolutely true.  We all are looking for joy, always.  It is one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22- “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”).  I find it interesting that joy is something we are all searching for.  It was actually my word of the year for last year, I wanted to be more joyful.

Why do we have such a hard time finding it? Why do we have a hard time being joyful?  I honestly believe comparison plays a big role, a bigger role than we think, in why we can’t always find the joy we are looking for.  Think about it.  If you are constantly comparing your life to others, noticing why they have things you don’t or why it seems like they do things better than you do, how can you possibly find the joy you are looking for in what you have? (and when I am saying you, I am also meaning me of course).  We are bombarded with people’s ‘perfect lives’ on facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. It is hard to be joyful with what we have.  The funny thing about it is the people you see as the perfect ones are probably having just as much trouble finding joy as you are because of what they see.

Comparison is really a trap.  It makes us unable to see clearly all the blessings that God has given us in our lives and all of the fullness we have in it.  Instead we are looking at everything that everyone else has.  Comparing ourselves only causes us to be upset or not happy, and therefore not have joy.  We cannot be joyful and envious at the same time, they don’t go hand in hand.  Joy is a Fruit of the Spirit and Envy is a sin.

Galatians 6:4-5- “Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.” (NIV)

Just because we look at someone else and see what they have doesn’t mean God is not giving to us abundantly.  We need to trust Him that He knows what is best for us and gives us what we need.  and He does.  We think because our life doesn’t always look how we want it to look then we are failing, but we aren’t.  We will never find joy or contentment in comparing our lives to someone else’s, especially when we can never know the 100% truth of their life.  What about the saying, “The grass isn’t always green on the other side of the fence?”  I am pretty sure people look at our lives and think what we think of theirs.

So how can we go about being joyful and content with what we have?  It isn’t going to happen because your circumstances change.  It is going to happen because your thoughts and  your heart change.

1 Timothy 6:6-7- “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.”

What is going to happen once you get what you think you want? What you think will make you joyful? If your heart hasn’t changed you will just want more.  If we can’t be content with where God has us and what God has us with now, we are not going to be content with more.  Our contentment and our happiness is not dependent upon our circumstances but is dependent upon our trust in the Lord.  The main thing we can do is choose to be joyful, choose to be happy, no matter what the circumstances.  It will take effort, and it won’t always be fun but you’ll find that the more you choose joy, the more you are joy.  Contentment is something you have to learn.  You have to stop comparing.  I want to show the Lord I am joyful with what He has given me now, and if He gives me nothing else, I will still choose Joy because of what He has done for me.  That is how we are to choose joy.

Another thing you can do is start focusing on the blessings that God has placed in your life.  I have started doing #100happydays on instagram.  The concept is simple, you take a picture each day of something that makes you happy.  By the end of the happy days you will have 100 pictures of happiness for you to look at.

And probably the best thing you can do?  Pray.  Pray for contentment in what you have, pray for God to help you to stop comparing your life to others, help for you to see the joy that you have in your life.  Help you to CHOOSE JOY in all circumstances.


[Wide Awake] Being aware of God’s Presence

Wide Awake- “Earth is Crammed with Heaven” is the message we are working through at church.  The series is about how there is so much going on but we need to take time to look at the little things and see heaven in our everyday lives.  I think this message is fabulous for the beginning of the year, when everything seems so crazy and life is going a million miles a minute it is so easy to lose focus on what really matters.  The first sermon was about Your Burning Bush looking at Exodus 3:1-6 and Moses seeing the burning bush.  

Pete talks about how Moses had probably walked past this bush or bushes just like it over and over again and probably never thought anything of the bushes but after this burning bush moment he probably never thought about a bush the same.  The Message, Wide Awake is about getting to the place where you are constantly living with your spiritual eyes open and you are seeing God in this world in ways you never have seen God and in places you never have before.

Earth is crammed with heaven and every burning bush afire with God but only he who sees takes off his shoes.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  There are many, many moments here on earth that are just filled with God’s presence but we miss them.  We miss sunsets and rainbows and ladybugs and butterflies, children laughing and so much more because we are too focused on our lives or work or what we need to get done and we just miss the God Moments because we are not paying attention.  We need to look at the ordinary moments because they are filled with His presence.

How can I begin to live with the conscious presence of the awareness of God in my life?  In all the different aspects of my life?  To be wide awake to  God’s presence in this world.

I left this sermon inspired.  You can watch it here.  I am inspired to look at every moment differently and see God in everything, including the mundane and the ordinary.  This sermon really reminded me of the book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I am currently in the middle of reading this book and it makes me think how ironic it is I am reading the book when the series comes up.  They fit perfectly together and remind me that God truly is in the ordinary, in the everyday, in every moment of my life and I am going to find Him.




Faithful Fridays


Have you heard of #SheReadsTruth?  It is a community of women committed to studying the Bible through the You Version app and different reading plans.  They have already done the Soul Detox and are now doing the Prayer reading plan.  Each Friday is a link up, each day is a post about that day’s verse. Come join up!

Todays prayer included Luke 11:9-10: Ask & it will be given; seek & you will find; knock & the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; & to the one who knocks the door will be opened.

This has always been one of my favorite verses because it reminds me that God longs to give us what we ask for, He doesn’t want to withhold the good things from us.  This passage also reminds me that while He wants to give us what we ask for, He won’t give us things that go according to His will or His plan.  I think this is an important distinction to make.  Someone may get frustrated with Him because things aren’t going according to [their] plan, or they haven’t gotten what [they] asked for, or because God said He would give it to them [what they wanted].  True, He does say to ask but we also know that if it is His will it will be done.

1 John 14-15 says: This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him

It is important to mention that we may ask for something such as a better job or children or more time or whatever it is.. and God may give it to us but we don’t recognize the gift because we are looking for something our way, not His way.  God’s provision for us may not be what we imagined but He is still fulfilling His promise to us.  If we ask for children maybe He will open the doors to a teaching job where we will be able to care for lots of children or a job opens up but it isn’t the job we wanted.  That may very well be but God has you where He puts you for a reason.  Just because you don’t receive children the way you want now does not mean you won’t in a few years, or the job.  Only He knows His timing and it all works out according to His will.  We need to follow His will for our lives because it is orchestrated in a way that all the parts fit together.  I can guarantee if you are walking in His way for your life, while you may struggle sometimes, or get frustrated that you will look back and start to see how certain steps you took, while not knowing it at the time, all worked together with Him giving you exactly what you needed when you needed it.


Thankful Thursdays *New Party*

So I was thinking last night how we all have so much to be thankful for even when times are tough. I have a tendancy to focus on what is going wrong instead of what is going right. I think it is important to still focus on all we have in our lives that we are thankful for, especially in times when all seems lost. I have found that unless we take a conscious effort to do so, we can easily and quickly forget what it was we were thankful for.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: Be thankful in all circumstances; for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you.

It doesn’t say some circumstances, or only when things are going my way, or only when I feel like it. It says, all. All means all, no exceptions.

I am thankful for…
My family. Without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So even though they can bug the heck out of me sometimes, I still love them!

Pool weather. I absolutely love perfect pool weather. Not too hot (which is easy to come by here in Tennessee) and not too cold. Just perfect weather that you want to lie out in the raft in reading a book. Simple.

What are you thankful for?
Feel free to leave a comment or post your own Thankful Thursday on your blog. Also, please let me know if you thinking having a linky is the best way to do it or should I have another way where people write their responses etc.