
Christmas Television Specials

One of my absolute favorite things this time of year is to dvr all of the Christmas specials (whether I get to watching them or not is another story….) and so I compiled a list of some of the television specials for you this holiday season. You’re welcome. :)

First up is there is always ABC Families 25 days of Christmas with a different special on each night.

The Hallmark Channel is also having a Countdown to Christmas with hours of Christmas programming, you can check that out here. They are playing hours and hours of programming, plenty to watch!

TV Guide has a great holiday guide worth printing here.

What are some of your favorite movies? Mine are Christmas Vacation (12.7 @ 9 est on ABC Family), Elf (not sure if this is airing but it should be :), Home Alones (of course) and A Christmas Story which I watch over & over again on Christmas Eve on TBS. Anyway, I hope this gives you a good start! There are lots that I want to watch and hopefully I can get to sometime during the holiday season!


Updates & Handmade Features

So I am obviously totally behind on this! I completely apologize! I have had a ton going on (good stuff but just a lot going on!)…

I got a new job (not teaching but a job which is all I care about in this economy. It is a receptionist with lots of growth potential :), and I am also going to start selling Thirty One stuff at night (because I love it and it would give me some “fun” to my otherwise boring job :) and hopefully one of these days I can begin the numerous crafting projects I continue to place on the backburner…..

Check out these cupcakes from Running With Glitter, in a jar!! This is definitely on my to-do list (that just keeps getting longer & longer!!)

So here is something that has been on my to-do list for a while! I actually have the fabric cut and folded but not sewn :) It is from N’ Stitches Design and is about the envelope wallet system that is part of the Dave Ramsey Financial planning system. It is much prettier than using paper envelopes. :)

How absolutely adorable is this for a child’s room from Once Upon a Craft Time?


I’m Back

So now that it is summer and I am done with school I am going to make a much more conscious effort to get back to blogging. I have missed it, I lost my motivation. I was so wrapped up in school that it was the first thing to get pushed to the side. Not anymore!!

Not only do I plan on refashioning the blog (new graphics? what do you think? I like the layout but I could see some new colors… yellow maybe?). Anyway, but also getting back to posting my crafts (which again totally went to the wayside), and my inspiration posts (which truth be told are probably my favorite to post!).

I know I wasn’t completely “gone” but I haven’t been completely “here” either and so it is nice to be back and I am hoping to be making a lot more blog posts and do a lot more commenting :)

I hope your summers have been going great so far!


The Simple Things

So I have been super busy recently and have been having some writers block but I am sitting here @ Panera with my laptop and got to thinking about the simple things that I love that are free or really cheap but make me oh so happy.

So my oh so happy items (in no particular order)….

1. Sitting on my deck at sunset when the weather is just right! Not too hot or too cold.
2. The giggle of children. oh my goodness their laughs make me so happy.
3. A vanilla Coke from Sonic. Amazing how that can brighten up my entire day.
4. The feel of clean sheets when I get into bed.
5. Jumping into the pool on a hot, hot day.
6. Taking time to just relax, see things in new ways.
7. Driving with the windows down & music blaring.
8. When I come home and the dogs cannot wait for me to get into the house, barking & begging for my attention.
9. Right after it rains on a hot, hot day.
10. Exploring with a child and seeing something how they see it.
11. Mail. I love getting mail! (well, not bills!)
12. Sleeping in!

What about you? What are your simple pleasures?