
Do you have an imaginary world?

Because Monkey does! In her world everything costs only $1 and the best part is the money is those plastic beads that you iron together. The glow-in-the-dark ones are worth a million each! I could pay off everything I needed to so fast in her world! And get this… cell phone plans are 3 cents a month with a phone only costing 30 cents! I think this world is our world’s answer to the problems!

The president of the world is a giant pink monkey named Mr./Mrs. Fluffy Pants (not sure which, it kept changing). This giant monkey makes all of the rules which my Monkey then dictates to me to write on her chalkboard. I will share some of this world’s rules…

  1. You must wear a dress/skirt at ALL times (if you are a girl of course).
  2. You cannot wear black. It is ugly.
  3. You must act fancy at all times. Nothing less will be accepted.

This world is so popular that there is a waiting list to get in. And when someone is exiled from the world (as her cousin eventually was. And her sister who was never given a chance to do anything wrong) someone else gets in. You have to have a membership card too. Pretty intense.

“Yes, hello how may I help you? This is the Fancy Nancy Princess Palace.” I still don’t know who was calling her on her paper cell phone. She typed it into her paper laptop.

When her cousin refused (at first before he was exiled) to join her world she said… “I know my world isn’t real but I choose to use my imagination. My world is the best world ever. Maybe you should try using your imagination.” True words of wisdom spoken by an 8 yr old. I think I want to live in her world.


Also in her world this is a perfectly acceptable outfit to go to Target in. Notice the paper crown, tie dye scarf and pink blanket tied around her waist. Also decided on were the yellow socks (no shoes of course).

The backside looks even better, don’t you think?

Although this was a perfectly acceptable outfit once we got to Target her cousin talked her out of wearing it inside. I would have liked to see the looks. After allowing both to pick out two items at the dollar section (a crown & princess gloves for money of course). I was declared, “the best babysitter ever. Well, actually really our only babysitter ever but you are still the best.” Yeah I think my mission was accomplished for the day, don’t you?