Hi! I am Kristen from 1 Sew Green Mama. Over at 1 Sew Green Mama I am busy, sewing, knitting, gardening or working on being as green as I possibly can… on a budget.
I am so excited to be here at Lady Bug Blessings. I love Kristen’s idea’s and I absolutely love Handmade Tuesdays. I was inspired to do 2 whole birthday gifts hand made after reading her post.
Being new at this, it’s my first time guest blogging and Kristen was so kind to help me with all the details and she has the best name! So, getting onto today, I picked the tutorial that seems to be a favorite over at my blog and here it is.
When my son started preschool I started thinking how much waste he was going to have with his lunch. I knew the preschool wasn’t recycling so I wanted food containers that didn’t have a bunch of toxins in them and that were re-usable. So, I searched around and found little tins that were nice, but expensive. I bought him 1 for his yogurt, but I needed more. I did also find a reusable sandwich wrap, it was cloth on the outside and plastic on the inside. It was also washable. That’s when I thought of the snack packs! I was so excited. I had some old scrap fabric that was in strips. Not much I could do with, but C sure loved it. So, I thought that would be perfect. Now, it took almost a year to figure out what plastic to use and I came up with the food saver bags. They are washable and they are food safe with no voc’s or bpa’s.
Here are my snack packs. The kids LOVE them. Plus when they get too dirty for a good wiping with water, I just throw them in the wash.
Guestpost from Kristen @ 1 Sew Green Mama
April 15, 2011 by
Now, I am going to attempt a tutorial. Since I am new at this whole blogging thing, I have never done one. But those snack packs are so easy and quick, (literally 15 minutes to make 2), that I thought I had to do it.
First, here is what you need:
1. Roll of food saver bags
2. Sew on velcrow
3. Cute fabric
4. Thread
First, cut the fabric in the shape above, then cut the food saver bag in about the same shape. Lay them right sides together (with the food saver bag, it’s the inside part of the bag). I like the bumpy side better, it’s less slippery, but I use both. Can’t waste any! Then sew around the edges leaving the bottom open. I like to cut the plastic after I sew incase it slips a bit.
Next, turn it right side out, fold under the bottom and sew. Sorry, I forgot a picture of this.
Then you sew on the top Velcro.
Next, fold it up like you are done to mark where the other velcro goes. I’ve tried to sew it like a bag first then the velcro, but it makes sewing the second piece on a pain.
Don’t pin, just hold it there. The pins make little tiny holes in the plastic. Sew the velcro. After that fold it like a bag and velcro it closed. Sew the sides closed and top stitch around the top flap and you are done.
Happy snacking!