Simple Accent Topiaries


I have a small side table next to the chaise in the living room.  For Valentine’s day I had some little trees on it but recently it has been pretty plain.  Cue the topiaries for spring.  Now, I could have easily purchased them (well, maybe not so easily as I live in the country and getting to the shops isn’t always the easiest) but I like to try to make things for less money.

Supplies Needed: Terracotta pots, Styrofoam balls, dried moss, wooden dowel, glue, glue gun and a piece of styrofoam.


First step involved messily hot gluing the moss to the balls.  Be prepared to have your vacuum ready after you are done with this step.  I did the first ball without having the dowel in it first and the second one I did with the dowel in it.  I am still not sure which way is easier.


When I was done with my tops, I traced the pots around this piece of Styrofoam.  This is what I was using to stick the dowel in.


I then shoved the Styrofoam into the pots.  I had to trim it a little bit more.  In hind site I would have put rocks or dirt or something under the Styrofoam to hold the dowel a little bit better.  I put glue in there and held it until I felt it as secure but I still would have stuck it in better.


And ta-da!  They are done and sitting on my table.  The only thing I think they are missing is some ribbon around the pots.  Maybe I can pick that up next time I am in town!

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