
Thankful Thursdays [6.12.14]

Thankful Thursdays

Welcome to another week of Thankful Thursdays!!  As I have mentioned I think it is important to write down what we are thankful for.  Too often we can get in a Me, Me, Me with prayers and not really be thankful for anything.  While God does want to hear what we need help with, I also think He likes to hear what we are thankful for.

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My dad is coming to visit me!  It has been great seeing all my family!  My mom came in April, my sister came in May and now my dad is coming in June.  Pretty nice!  Now who is coming in July? :)


Thankful Thursdays


Thankful Thursdays

Last week I decided I was going to make a conscious effort to be more thankful (see this post) and I am happy to say I am continuing on this week and posting what I am thankful for.  I’d love for you to join me!  Let me know in the comments what you are thankful for or if you make your own post!

bracelet from KendraI am thankful for my sister and this bracelet she made me.  She isn’t normally crafty or creative and I love that she bought all the supplies to make this bracelet and then that she sent me one!!  I love it!

kristen waterfall  josiah & kristen waterfall

I went to Oregon for a wedding last weekend.  It was a state I had never been to (yay!) and it was absolutely beautiful.  Also, it was a nice change from the warm, hot weather of south Texas.  I am thankful for the opportunity to travel.



What are you thankful for?


Mom came to visit!

So I was so excited that Mom came to visit me in Texas over Easter.  I wish it could have been longer but I really enjoyed having a visitor to show around!  We stayed super busy… Riverwalk, Shopping, More Shopping (San Marcos Outlets), drove by the Capitol in Austin and then up to Horseshoe Bay.


Riverwalk boat tour.  Sadly, our tour guide was not the best, so that was kind of disappointing since Mom was here.  I had done it before and we had a really good one, but it was still nice.


Not the best picture at the Capitol (Austin), and I have a statue coming out of my head, haha, but it was fun to stop to show it to Mom.  This was after a long day of shopping where Mom tired me out!


Horseshoe Bay Marriott is absolutely beautiful.  We love going to their restaurant for brunch.  I had never had dinner there but we had their dinner buffet and it was wonderful!


 Easter!  Isn’t my mom pretty?


And he’s pretty good looking as well!  It was actually Josiah’s birthday so we celebrated Friday night with my mom and then again on Sunday night with everyone.


Where does your dog sleep?

pancake sleep

This is Pancake’s spot during the day.  I have no idea how one dog can sleep so much but it is pretty much all that she does.  I work from home so when I wake up I go into the office.  She is ready to go in there before I am and she wants her blanket in there.  I realize the blanket has some leaves on it, and prickers but I have to bring it from one room to the other as it is where she prefers to sleep.  She is a pretty silly puppy.