Yay for Friday [3.6.15]

Yay for Friday!  I don’t think I have ever needed Friday to come so bad!  It is 72 (!!) days until the wedding and I have SO much to do!!  I am sure I will get it all done but I need to get these envelopes printed and the invites out! Eek!  Tooth is getting better, still hurting- praying it doesn’t need to be pulled.  Just a long, long week altogether!!  I hope your week went a little better and you have some fun things planned this weekend!

Today I am doing something different and giving you someecards that make me laugh.  Seemed like a good idea!








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  1. Yeay for upcoming wedding! Mine is in 3 1/2 months and I feel like there’s so much to do! I found your blog today via Hey It’s Friday and so love it! Cannot wait to read more!

    P.S I have the same Target obsession. lol

  2. I just talked about Monday where the hubs spent $90 at Target… for 2 small bags… with nothing in them… how does that magic happen?!?!?!
    Rebecca Jo recently posted..These are a few of my favorite things….

  3. So Im one of those people that live in Canada – and if you haven’t heard all Target Canada locations are shutting down come May, so everything is on serious closeout right now. And Friday morning I was there to buy baby diapers super cheap, but ended up buying so much baby clothes. Ill miss target!
    Stephanie Small recently posted..Friday Fab Five – Spring Forward

  4. I always wonder how I spend so much but never have anything but one small bag or two! And you can never go wrong with some good ecards!
    Paige @ Reasons to Come Home recently posted..Girls Weekending

  5. I love your funnies. They just made my day! Thank you for sharing.

    Thanks for linking up to H54F!
    Della@Della Devoted