Welcome to Handmade Tuesdays!! Let me see what you have for me this week! You know I am blown away every week! Now I don’t really have any rules but I would love if you added the banner to your post, linky page, wherever you post those things so that others could link up And of course if you followed me I’d love that too!
I make sure to try to visit (and try to comment on) every link to see what people are sharing. I thank you for taking the time to link up!
Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful evening!
Thanks for hosting sorry my linky image messed up… it is the right link but it put the same picture as the printable before, sorry.
Carlee recently posted..Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting-Happy Birthday!
Thanks for hosting another lovely party!
I just found you from Craft Buds. Thank you for hosting! I am enjoying all the new blogs to discover!
Leslie recently posted..Revamp Pillows
Thanks for hosting! Just linked up!!
Thank you so much for hostessing every Tuesday!
Thanks Kristen for hosting!! Hope your having a great week!!
I’m new at the whole link party thing.. if you have any project feel free to link up for this weekend.. http://tweetnovember.blogspot.com/2011/04/craft-day-and-giveaway-reminder.html