What I am looking forward to…

1. The new ipad today. I am in no way able to purchase one but the new one coming out meants I get my dad’s old one!! Woo Hoo! I will even offer to stand in line/pre-order it etc. for him. Basically do whatever means necessary to be able to get him the new one so I can have the old one.

2. Opry Mills opening back up March 29th! Nashville’s large, outlet rich mall closed down in May 2010 when we had our horrible flood and for a while no one knew if it was going to open back up. Thank goodness they were able to secure the funds to reopen. And with that comes, J Crew Outlet, Gap Outlet, Coach Factory Store and more!!

3. SPRING! I am ready to pull out all my sundresses, skirts and sandals. I absolutely love spring!

4. Benefits kicking in at my job. Need I say more? I am so sick of paying out of pocket for anytime I visit the doctor because my deductible is so high. Oh and having dental insurance. That one will be nice! Of course, I’ll hit my maximum (why do they make those so low?) in probably my first visit. If I ran dental insurance I wouldn’t make it such a scam. :)

5. Running in perfect running weather. Not too hot, not too cold. Nothing is better.

What are you looking forward to?

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  1. I’m looking forward to a trip this year to Disney World. You mentioned Opry Mills, I remember when Opryland was an amusement park. The Wabash Cannonball roller coaster was the most fun back then. Thanks for sparking that memory from my past.

  2. Thanks for hosting these weekly link-ups. Love all the ideas!