Everyday is a Blessings

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“If you don’t think you have any blessings, remember your heart is still beating”

I have absolutely no idea who originally said this as it has been floating around twitter but I absolutely love it.  It is so easy for us to get wrapped into a ‘why me?’ attitude (we all do it).  For us to look at everyone else and think “Well, how come they got that?” or “I deserved that” or “Nothing good ever happens to me.”  This quote gives a new perspective on that.  Just the fact that you are alive, your heart beats and pumps blood is a blessing.  Just think of how everything has to work together for your heart to beat.  Being alive is a blessing, having food is a blessing, having a roof over your head is a blessing.  When you think of how much you really have compared to so many other people, it really puts things into perspective about just how truly blessed you are.

Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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  1. You are absolutely right! We should all stop and try to think about our most important and basic blessings at least once every day. It helps all the other things become easier to accept and put in the proper perspective.