
Is it really only Tuesday?!?

Actually, don’t answer that!!  I know the real answer and I think I have decided to live in my own little fantasy world over here.  Heck, maybe I should ask Monkey if I can live in her world full-time.  Anyone want to join me? So to update everyone on what is happening in  the World O’ Kristen….

  • I have been offered (and accepted!) a full semester interim!  While I would have loved to have a full-time position (sadly, I do not have experience and have been “beaten” out by people with experience.  Oddly, this makes me feel better.)  I am totally counting my blessings and trusting God on this one.
  • The principal is a-m-a-z-i-n-g, it is in my first choice grade (first) and she hired me basically on the spot even after my doggy charge (a.k.a. misses her mommy, Palin) pooped on her carpet IN-HER-OFFICE!   (oh yes, she really did!).  Nice story, right?
  • Tennessee has been having massive heat warnings.  Basically do not go outside, the air is bad to breathe type warnings.  I had to convince my mother that while yes she could go outside and lie on a float in the pool to cool off the reason they did not want people outside was not because it was hot but because the air was bad to breath.  She had to call my sister to confirm I was telling the truth.
  • I am going on a major Dave Ramsey budget.  It isn’t even funny.  Absolutely stinks right now but I know it will be worth it!

What is going on in your worlds?