
An Update- surgery, ew!

Hey everyone! So I know I haven’t been posting a ton (although, these past two weeks I am starting to again) and I know I have alluded to some health issues going on so I just wanted to update and ask for your prayers. I have been having recurring strep/infections in my throat and very swollen lymph nodes. I have had lots of tests (CT scan, x-ray, biopsy) to make sure there wasn’t an underlying issue that was not immediately known. Of course, it is what we thought in the first place and I just have recurring tonsillitis. I recognize it could be a lot worse and for this I feel very blessed that God has been watching over me.

But, the only thing I can do now according to all the lovely doctors I have seen is have my tonsils taken out. I am thankful this is a pretty routine surgery, but apparently it is extremely painful as an adult. Now considering I can barely handle needles this is not going to be fun. The recovery will be about two-three weeks until I can go back to work and then I don’t know how long it takes to be fully recovered.

If you pray could you please pray for comfort for me that I will be calm and okay when having the surgery, for a fast recovery so I can get back to work, for the medical bills to not be too outrageous as I am worried about being able to pay for them and am unsure how much of my salary I will get while I am recovering, and just the whole thing in general.

I know the Lord has this in His control, He knew I was going to have to go through this and He will keep me under His protection.

I also need to stop reading about how painful this is on the internet!!