For the first time I found some loving Friday random linkups and I have to join up. Being random and giving my favorite things as of late? Sounds great to me!
1- Candy corn is out in stores and I need to probably only shop at stores that do not sell it. Or sell the imitation stuff (definitely not the same!). I know some people cannot stand candy corn but for some reason it (along with candy hearts) is my favorite. And while I know you can get it year round I pretty much only crave it in fall. You know what else also taste really good? Candy corn & milk- I can’t help it!
2- I started PT for my knee surgery this week. My knee is definitely getting motion back but is still really tight and bruised. Last time I had knee surgery I don’t remember any bruising. This time? My entire knee has been covered in bruises for the better part of two weeks. I’d show you the bruises but I promise you really don’t want to see them. Ready for it to be gone….
3- Decorating for Fall. I absolutely love pumpkins, fall decor, leaves etc. I am so excited that while it isn’t cool here yet in Texas I can add pumpkin decor and leaves and it makes it feel somewhat Fall-y.
4- Fall TV shows are coming back on. I am not a huge television watcher but I do have some favorite shows…Big Bang Theory, Once Upon a Time and The Ellen Show. Pretty excited that they are coming back on!
5- I finally bought a pack of imitation curlers. You can buy the expensive ones for 60+ or you can buy these ones. I have no purchased the expensive ones but did watch some reviews, they seem very, very similar. The only difference I have discovered is these ones are one size while there are some different sizes for the other ones. I want to see if I can find some cheaper wider ones. Get ready for the embarrassing photo (with the cat, even better!) and then the after with the curlers. I like them!