
Weekend Scripture

Psalm 16 8


Life has been somewhat stressful and challenging recently and I have been reading comforting scriptures to help me.  I love going through the Psalms.  The Psalms are poetry in the Bible and they are really encouraging, no matter what you are going through.  I love Psalm 16:8 because it gives me an image of God walking right beside me literally.  No matter what I do, He is always with me.  Just to picture God standing on my right, no matter what I am going through, even when I feel incredibly alone is really comforting.

I pray you have a wonderful and restful weekend.


Sunday Scripture

“The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?” – Psalm 27:1

This is one of my all time favorite verses.  I keep it on a sticky note on my computer screen at work.  The Lord is my light and my salvation.  God leads the way in my life and it is through Jesus that I am saved.  He is the strength of my life, without Him I am absolutely weak.  There is nothing nor anyone for me to fear with God on my side.  I read this verse often throughout the day, especially if I am feeling discouraged or afraid.  There are lots of verses in the Bible to help us with fear and while we will still have fear the Lord wants us to bring those fears and those troubles to Him.  Let Him be the Light which leads your way.  He doesn’t want you to go at it alone.


Happy Grandparent’s Day!  I can’t be with my grandparents as they live far away but I am wishing them a very happy day.  They are the best grandparents anyone can ask for!

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