
The Simple Things

So I have been super busy recently and have been having some writers block but I am sitting here @ Panera with my laptop and got to thinking about the simple things that I love that are free or really cheap but make me oh so happy.

So my oh so happy items (in no particular order)….

1. Sitting on my deck at sunset when the weather is just right! Not too hot or too cold.
2. The giggle of children. oh my goodness their laughs make me so happy.
3. A vanilla Coke from Sonic. Amazing how that can brighten up my entire day.
4. The feel of clean sheets when I get into bed.
5. Jumping into the pool on a hot, hot day.
6. Taking time to just relax, see things in new ways.
7. Driving with the windows down & music blaring.
8. When I come home and the dogs cannot wait for me to get into the house, barking & begging for my attention.
9. Right after it rains on a hot, hot day.
10. Exploring with a child and seeing something how they see it.
11. Mail. I love getting mail! (well, not bills!)
12. Sleeping in!

What about you? What are your simple pleasures?