
{one word} PRESENT

So I wrote about my one word last year and I chose JOY.  I had stumbled upon the website One Word 365 and loved the concept.  Thankfully it is growing even more and now more people are choosing words for the year.  Instead of focusing on New Year’s resolutions you are supposed to choose a word to focus on for the year.  Like last year my word kept popping back up in my head over and over.  I went through some I was thinking about (intention, purpose, etc.) and while those are really good words to focus on, I knew they were not my word.

Directly from the One Word 365 Site:

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway. 

Choose just one word.

One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.

It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but also you. It will become the compass that directs your decisions and guides your steps.

Discover the big impact one word can make.

They said it better than I could have!  Now, honestly I still have resolutions/goals in addition to my word (more on that in another post maybe :) but I still feel strongly focusing on a word can help you stay focused.  Focused could be your word!

Be Present

For 2014 I have chosen the word PRESENT. As in BE PRESENT.  Moment kept popping up at first, but moment didn’t seem like it flowed and my purpose of picking the word is to focus on each moment, to stay in the current present that I am in.  Instead of rushing to what is going to happen next or thinking about all my to-dos, I am going to stay in the Present Moment and cherish it.  What is your word?


34,000 feet in the air [absolutely random]

So I just had to write a blog post because while I have used wifi on the airplane before I had never written a blog post about it nor written a blogpost on the airplane…… so I really wanted to.

It amazes me how far we have come in what is relatively a short period of time.  Of course, being so connected isn’t always a good thing but when you have work you need to get done and are on an airplane, wifi is extremely convenient.  It also amazes me that people are constantly complaining about slow internet speeds, not having wifi etc. when we have more internet than we know what to do with.  Speeds are super fast compared to just 10 years ago, we have a mini-computer on us constantly and we can check our email basically anywhere.  I think people tend to have an entitlement attitude that since they know it is available it should always be working.  While, yes, it can be inconvenient sometimes when it doesn’t- it isn’t going to kill you.

I think instead of being mad when things don’t work we should be amazed.  I am sitting on an airplane, flying above the clouds, on a computer and writing a blog post.  Most of these things existed even 20 years ago (the computer did but obviously it was completely different! and the airplane :)  I am able to look out at the sunshine as I fly (yes, we fly) in the sky and I can enjoy the Lord’s beautiful earth from a vantage point that I don’t see everyday on the ground.  Pretty amazing if you ask me.  :)

In totally random news I found some pretty cool (or dorky whichever way you look at it) shea infused ladybug socks yesterday that I thought would be great to keep my feet warm on the flight.  Just in case you were wondering, they are working.


Sister’s Bridal Shower

Last Saturday was my sister’s bridal shower.  I am the maid of honor and so it was my responsibility to put it on (thankfully my mom helped with the food!  She was in charge of food and I was in charge of decorations).


This is my sister Kendra and me.  We look absolutely nothing alike but we are triplets (yes, seriously!).  A lot of times people don’t actually believe me because we really look nothing alike but it is true.

We came from this beautiful lady…

I kind of look like the oddball here but my mom swears they never let me out of their sight (being the first triplets at the hospital will do that).

Here is the table.  My mom is a fabulous cook and made most everything.  We had three types of spinach dip, cranberry bread, cake, fruit, veggies, quiche and more.  We got the cake at Publix (they have excellent cakes!).

I wanted to display pictures of Kendra and her fiance David and stole them off her facebook.  They have gone on lots of trips together (two cruises!)

You cannot forget the door.  Bonus here is they just bought their first house so they can put this on their new door.  Green & navy are her wedding colors.

I love candy and included a nice large jar (Hobby Lobby 1/2 off!) and used my Silhouette to make their initials on the front and the heart on the back.  My only problem is the jelly bellys don’t match the wedding colors but I couldn’t be too choosy with them as I had to get what the store had!

She opened presents in the family room and so I had to have some decorations in here.  I had some tissue paper flowers above her chair and then I made this banner for the mantle with glitter paper.

And last but not least another family picture.  This is my Mimi (mom’s mom), Mom, Kendra and me.  The day was great.  Now still lots of planning for the wedding.  Thankfully that is not until October!!


MudLOVE Bracelets

So have you heard of MudLOVE Pottery? I hadn’t until the other day. I actually do not remember how I stumbled upon the site but took forever choosing which ones I was going to order. For $5 you receive a handmade pottery bracelet and for every $5 you spend you provide someone in Africa clean water for ONE YEAR!


Not only are they absolutely adorable, I feel good knowing I am helping provide clean water to people who otherwise would not receive it. They were my ‘get better’ gift for myself.

On a surgery note, it has been getting worse. I am itching like crazy (from the codeine I think) and swallowing anything (liquids included) is not pleasant. I got some baby food from the store last night and at least that switches the diet up from popsicles and pudding. :) My sleep has been completely off and I normally wake up coughing or scared of choking but even with all of this I know I am still going to be happy I did this.


I will say I am having the animals to keep me company. Izzy (the cat) has been keeping me lots of company in addition to Pancake (not pictured) and Chloe (big dog).  Currently Pancake & I are watching Netflix.  I think I’ll have gone through every show by the time this is over!


Hope you are having a Happy Sunday!


This post is not sponsored and is entirely my opinion. I received the bracelets in the mail today and wanted to share them,