So I haven’t had a ton going on this week, pretty normal but Yay for 3 DAY WEEKENDS!
1- Labor Day has been celebrated since 1882 but was officially recognized by Congress in 1894.
2- In the 19th Century Americans worked 12 hr days, 7 days a week. It was not until 1916 and the Adamson Act that 8 hr work days were established. Thank goodness!
(from escape adulthood)
3- You can wear white after labor day! It started as something the upper class did when they returned from their cottages and started wearing their city, traditional clothing once more. Especially in warm places (like Texas!) we can wear light weight clothing a lot longer. This is from a Time Magazine Article (or so it has been said)- “Instead, other historians speculate, the origin of the no-white-after–Labor Day rule may be symbolic. In the early 20th century, white was the uniform of choice for Americans well-to-do enough to decamp from their city digs to warmer climes for months at a time: light summer clothing provided a pleasing contrast to drabber urban life. ‘If you look at any photograph of any city in America in the 1930s, you’ll see people in dark clothes,’ says Scheips, many scurrying to their jobs. By contrast, he adds, the white linen suits and Panama hats at snooty resorts were “a look of leisure.”
4- You can find amazing sales for Labor Day (not new news, I know :). I always like to check Target (my favorite) but many stores are having online and brick and mortar sales. I guess this is somewhat ironic as there are so many sales so many people have to work during Labor Day.
5- Labor Day = No Work. Need I say more?