Pancake loves going to work

Pancake comes to work with me now.  I absolutely love it.  She knows now when I am getting ready to leave in the morning and when I say, “Let’s go to work,” she knows we are going.  What does she do though?  She sleeps in her bed, a.l.l.d.a.y!  In her defense, I did rescue her from a puppy mill and she is older but I’d get bored :)  Here are some adorable pictures of her from work.

 Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping

 More sleeping.  Tough life of Pancake.

Can I have a treat??

Okay, she isn’t sleeping here but she was wagging her tail and I didn’t leave her in the packing peanuts for very long!

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  1. Oh, what a tough life she lives now. So cool you can take her with you.

  2. Aww!