3- Target. I don’t think I need to say more. I used to have a Target 3 min down the road when I lived in TN and it is amazing how you can just spend $20+ everytime you go in there. Thankfully one is now further away and I need to plan my trips. Amazing how much money I have saved. Target is teaming up with Toms in November. Whose excited?
4- Animals that are getting along. They don’t always get along, more often than not Willow is annoying the heck out of Pancake. Earlier this week Pancake was sleeping on my bed and Willow came and jumped on her… Pancake fell off and the bed is T.A.L.L. But Willow is a kitten and Pancake is an older dog But when they get along like this I love it!
GREAT boots!
Kelly Mock recently posted..Oh hey, Friday! 5 Things that have me excited today!
Love the target equals heaven picture! Happy Friday
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