
I’m Back

So now that it is summer and I am done with school I am going to make a much more conscious effort to get back to blogging. I have missed it, I lost my motivation. I was so wrapped up in school that it was the first thing to get pushed to the side. Not anymore!!

Not only do I plan on refashioning the blog (new graphics? what do you think? I like the layout but I could see some new colors… yellow maybe?). Anyway, but also getting back to posting my crafts (which again totally went to the wayside), and my inspiration posts (which truth be told are probably my favorite to post!).

I know I wasn’t completely “gone” but I haven’t been completely “here” either and so it is nice to be back and I am hoping to be making a lot more blog posts and do a lot more commenting :)

I hope your summers have been going great so far!