
Need a little sparkle?

Want something quick to make that can make someone smile?  I purchased matchboxes from Curly Girl Designs (love her stuff!) a while back and hadn’t done anything with them.  Then I saw these glitter pills on tumblr one day and figured I had to make them!  I also had empty pill capsules that I use for supplements sometimes and filled them with glitter.  I put them in the matchbox and check what an adorable gift this is….





I included this little note and ta-da!


Lord, keep arm around my shoulder and…

Oh so true!


11 Questions

Okay, so I apologize to Rebekah from Potholes & Pantyhose as she tagged me for this a little while ago and I had not had a chance to do it yet! So sorry but better late than never right? :) I love answering these questions too!


  • You must post the rules
  • Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you & then create 11 questions to ask the people you’ve tagged
  • Tag 11 people and link them in your post
  • Let them know you have tagged them

So, here are the questions from Rebekah and my answers:

1. If you had to choose one over the other for the rest of your life, House Shoes or High Heels?
Definitely high heels. My favorites are flats but I can definitely deal with high heels more than I would be able to deal with house shoes!

2. What was the worst meal you cooked and who had to eat it?
Hmm.. my cooking experience is pretty limited. But when I was a nanny I would cook dinner each night. Normally I did a pretty good job but I burned rice pretty badly one time and they had to eat the nice burned tasting rice.

3. What was the best meal that you cooked and who got to eat it?
My honey bbq chicken is quite delicious and I cooked that for the nanny family as well. Of course I would also sample my meals to make sure they taste decent.

4. It’s a perfect 65 degrees outside, with a blue sky, the kids are at Grandma’s and you have nothing on your calendar. What do you do?
If I had children and this situation existed I would probably go to the park and run and then lie on a blanket and read a book. I love going to the park and reading.

5. When was the last time you updated your bio picture?
My google one was updated last summer but my about me page I just updated in January.

6. What is the first concert/live show you ever attended, how old were you and who were you with?
My first real concert was Hanson when I was 12. Loved it. I was with my sister, my mom and my mom’s friend.

7. What is the most embarrassing piece of clothing that you still own and wear?
I recently purged a lot of my clothes but I do have some very plain yet comfy dresses. I would never wear them in public but they are wonderful to wear around the house.

8. If someone looked through your purse, what would they find?
Lots of receipts, my wallet, cell phone, medicine, pens, gum… pretty boring!

9. When was the last time that you cursed and what was the reason?
I actually rarely curse so I cannot even remember the last time. It was probably when I hit my toe or foot on something.

10. What’s your greatest accomplishment in life, sans kids?
I don’t have kids but I do want them one day. But I would have to say graduating with my Masters in Education.

11. What famous person do you feel a kinship to-past or present?
No one? haha. I know that is boring answer but I don’t feel a kinship with anyone, haha.

Now for my questions:

1. Would your rather have a house at the beach or in the mountains?
2. What is your dream job?
3. What electronic can you not live without and why?
4. What is your favorite thing to pin on pinterest? (If you don’t have it and want it let me know and I’ll send you an invite:)
5. Are you named after anyone and who?
6. What is your favorite place to visit and why?
7. What is on your MP3 player?
8. Do you have any animals?
9. What is your most embarrassing moment?
10. If you had one day to do whatever you wanted to do, what would you do?
11. When are you most happy?

I am tagging:
Carrie @ My Favorite Finds
Polly @ Helping Little Hands
Laurie @ Scene of the Grime
Pati @ A Crafty Escape
Gail @ Can’t Stop Making Things
Noreen @ Crafty Journal
Jennifer @ The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Jamie @ Scattered Thoughts of a SAHM
Kristi @ Bowl of Cherrys
Irina @ Sew in the City
Vanessa @ Nifty Thrifty Things
Kelli & Kristi @ Lolly Jane

and of course, anyone else who wants to participate!!



So it has been a really crazy, interesting, fun few months. I have been quite stressed because I have been a temp at work. It was supposed to turn into non-temp in October but due to them having issues beyond anyone’s control (& hr taking WAY too long), I am FINALLY starting full-time, non-temp work TOMORROW! I cannot tell you how excited I am that I am finally going to have BENEFITS(!!!!), vacation days, sick days, etc. It is amazing how much you take that for granted when you don’t have it.

I have also been playing on Foursquare WAY too much. I never got the point of it before but now I have decided it is really quite fun and has specials when you check in certain places. Definitely worth playing with. :)

And the best thing? It is getting WARMER! Today has been about 62 and I went on a lovely 4 mile run! There is not a cloud in the sky and it is just absolutely beautiful. I love days like this!