
Bible Wisdom

A few weeks ago I posted a post I wrote random in June of 2010 and I found another one I wrote back then when I was praying for a job. I had just gotten out of graduate school and was struggling trying to find a job. It is funny to sometimes go back and read things you wrote years ago to see how your life has changed in that time period. This is from July 2, 2010.

So I am currently going through this Bible Study called What Do You Do With Your Wait by Mike Harder. Definitely speaks to where I am currently in my life. Anyway, he says something really thought provoking (like most Bible studies do)-

“First you have to learn to trust that the place you are in right now, although it may stink, is the place God wants you (for the time being). Then consider what you need to learn in spite of your circumstances; in other words, get better at what you already do. Even now God is training you for the future assignment He has for you , and He rewards diligence.”

Wow! I don’t think there are any better words to describe it. Of course, knowing it and actually conditioning your brain to believe it really are two different things. As much as I know I am where I am because God wants me here, it is still a very difficult place to be. But God puts us in places we don’t like, puts us in situations we cannot see a way out of, puts us in times when we get very, very frustrated and the best thing we can do? Just trust Him. It sounds easy when you write it down, Just trust Him? That is all I have to do? Wow that should be easy! Notice my sarcasm because it isn’t. It is definitely not easy to trust God when He sees our future and I can barely see two steps in front of me.

What happens if we don’t trust Him? I don’t know that answer either but I do know and believe 100% that anything and everything God has for me is far better and far greater than anything I can try to do myself. And the biggest problem with trying to do things for yourself? Getting in the way of His plan for you. Is it worth it? Not in my opinion. Now of course this doesn’t mean you can just sit around and do nothing and wait for God to bring things your way, because it doesn’t happen like that. God appreciates the effort, I think He rewards the effort. I know this job search is His way of saying, I have something for you and either you am not ready or it just isn’t there yet but as long as you remain faithful and wait for me what I have for you is far better and far greater than anything you can do for yourself. Amen.


Some waiting wisdom

So I am currently going through this Bible Study called What Do You Do With Your Wait by Mike Harder. Definitely speaks to where I am currently in my life. Anyway, he says something really thought provoking (like most Bible studies do)-

“First you have to learn to trust that the place you are in right now, although it may stink, is the place God wants you (for the time being). Then consider what you need to learn in spite of your circumstances; in other words, get better at what you already do. Even now God is training you for the future assignment He has for you , and He rewards diligence.”

Wow! I don’t think there are any better words to describe it. Of course, knowing it and actually conditioning your brain to believe it really are two different things. As much as I know I am where I am because God wants me here, it is still a very difficult place to be. But God puts us in places we don’t like, puts us in situations we cannot see a way out of, puts us in times when we get very, very frustrated and the best thing we can do? Just trust Him. It sounds easy when you write it down, Just trust Him? That is all I have to do? Wow that should be easy! Notice my sarcasm because it isn’t. It is definitely not easy to trust God when He sees our future and I can barely see two steps in front of me.

What happens if we don’t trust Him? I don’t know that answer either but I do know and believe 100% that anything and everything God has for me is far better and far greater than anything I can try to do myself. And the biggest problem with trying to do things for yourself? Getting in the way of His plan for you. Is it worth it? Not in my opinion. Now of course this doesn’t mean you can just sit around and do nothing and wait for God to bring things your way, because it doesn’t happen like that. God appreciates the effort, I think He rewards the effort. I know this job search is His way of saying, I have something for you and either you am not ready or it just isn’t there yet but as long as you remain faithful and wait for me what I have for you is far better and far greater than anything you can do for yourself. Amen.



Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint

Isaiah 40:31

This verse always inspires me. It is the verse I have been leaning on the most during this season of life. Life will never be like we “plan” it to be. I mean, what business do I have “planning” life? Really? Of course it isn’t that simple, is it? I am not always one to talk about my struggles but I will say this past year has not been easy.

I graduated with my M.Ed and hoped to find a teaching job. I had one lined up and at the very last minute it was taken away from me. Too late for any other the other jobs as they were all taken. Does it frustrated me? To the end. Some days I am overwhelmed with the fact of how unfair it was. It was taken away because of a tenured situation where someone was tenured & their job was lost & so mine was taken away. I think what bothers me the most about it is not that it happened but how it was handled. How I was told and have been treated since.

I don’t know, it isn’t like I feel like I am owed something because I most certainly am not but it is just frustrating feeling like I have made nothing of my life and where I think I should be. I realize I just got out of school not even a year ago but sometimes it seems like all hope is lost.

It is at those moments when I reflect on this verse and know that I just need to keep hoping on the Lord and He will renew my strength. He is what keeps me going knowing that it isn’t an accident and there is a purpose I am where I am. I mean, for all I know the job that I am supposed to have just isn’t open yet? God’s timing doesn’t work how mine does. I can put deadlines and limits on life all I want but it isn’t going to do anything. There is a church near my house that has wonderful church signs (thinking of that I have been actually meaning to take a picture of it….) but it currently says:

Patience is trusting in God’s timing

Hard? heck yes! But can I do it? Yes I can. And sometimes I realize how ridiculous I am being. There are a lot worse situations I could be in, a lot worse and I recognize that.